Why Companies Will Never Adopt Blockchain Technology.
An Evolution is long overdue

Andre De Castro
Blockchain of Things
3 min readApr 23, 2018


In a world where technology is advancing faster than it ever has before, why are some of the biggest global companies hesitant to integrate their enterprise application with the Blockchain. One would think it may be due to the numerous amounts of negative rumors, criticisms, and judgements that have been expressed about blockchain, before people and or companies even understand the concept of how it works. What companies and blockchain enthusiasts fail to realize is that Bitcoin itself is the Achilles heel of the Bitcoin Blockchain. Yes, I said it! The problem with the bitcoin blockchain is bitcoin or rather, any native protocol token on any blockchain. While it would seem that the most obvious reason for why companies are not developing applications on top of Blockchains is because of the difficulty of integrating it into their already up-and-running systems and the lack of knowledge or expertise within their team members. The real challenge is brought on by having to manage, maintain and protect these bitcoins (aka Native tokens) which is true for all Blockchains. To perform any enterprise integration from logging documents, tracking provenance or simply using it as a messaging layer requires the use of the native token.

How is a company, that manages hundreds, sometimes thousands of employees, supposed to trust their employees with keys that allow access to these tokens, when we can’t even trust FBI Agents, to be legitimate with Bitcoin. When the Silk Road was seized for all of its assets, two FBI agents stole 1600 bitcoins (FBI Agent Admits to Stealing Silk Road Bitcoins Seized by U.S. Marshals).

Let’s take an example: Suppose, “XYZ Industrial” wanted to take advantage of the global Bitcoin blockchain for such things as, security, eliminating central points of failure, or provenance tracking to create advantageous business solutions. We know each solution would require bitcoins or the native blockchains tokens to be able to function. XYZ would be required to teach people in accounts payable and accounts receivable to purchase the native token online. Oliver in the accounts payable department would have to buy bitcoin on the open market and bring it into a wallet. This would expose the private keys to both, those in Oliver’s department, and the I.T. department if we are to entrust them to protect the wallet. When developers need to integrate their enterprise systems with the blockchain, they would also need to receive the tokens from Oliver and a whole other department would have to be entrusted with private keys and overhead of protecting value. This basically requires multiple layers of trust across a wide array of employees. In an age where employees bounce from job to job and turnover is higher than it’s been in the last half century. This does not even consider the costs and complexities involved.

This is where Rapid Adoption Technology is required. Catenis’ layer two technology was developed with such capabilities. It cleverly solves this by enabling a credit system. Catenis encodes credits which are applied at the input and output layer of the blockchain. By utilizing such technology, it abstracts out all the native bitcoins, so customers and users have reduced implementation costs and ZERO liability. This eliminates the risks with entrusting employees and costs associated with burdening your security department while maintaining decentralized transaction capabilities. Just like a company would go to AT&T and ask for several thousand SMS messages without any concern that a cell tower was vandalized or stolen. Blockchain of Things customer’s simply request the amount of service credits to appear on any integration endpoint.

This allows for a Rapid Bitcoin Blockchain integration layer, coupled with a rapid adoption credit technology. Companies can now quickly leverage Catenis Enterprise to secure trust for device messaging, smart digital asset capabilities, and recording of permanent data. Blockchain of Things has gone to the extent of removing all barriers typically associated with integrating with the global Bitcoin Blockchain. While it provides a host of other enabling technologies such as near instant delivery of large payloads across the bitcoin blockchain, cryptographic security, permissions on public addresses, and many other enabling technologies. Picture Blockchain of Things as enabling the most powerful on/off ramp to the Global Bitcoin Blockchain highway with ease.

To learn more visit our company at www.BlockChainofThings.com

