Ava Sophia
Blockchain of Things
2 min readMar 23, 2021


Rust Joins the Family of Catenis’ Client Libraries

Blockchain of Things is excited to announce the newest addition to the family of Catenis open-source client libraries, the RUST language client. The Rust client in addition to the other Catenis clients facilitate authentication and integration with Catenis’ platform API’s.

Rust is the open source, systems-level programming language created by Mozilla, attaining large adoption within the developer community. Developers crowned Rust their “most loved” language in Stack Overflow’s 2019 developer survey, and on 6/2/2020, TIOBE reported that Rust broke into TIOBE index top 20 for the first time. The TIOBE index is a long-standing measure of programming language popularity in real-world use — showing the growth in developers’ interest and use of the language.

Few sectors have seen Rust’s adoption increase as quickly as the blockchain sector has. Lots of it has been fueled by well-known blockchain companies and projects such as Polkadot, Solana, Oasis, and now Blockchain of Things, Inc. “When working with Rust, I quickly realized the allure of having a language that is as performant as C/C++ with a type system and borrow checker [a static, compile-time garbage collector], which prevents whole classes of bugs that are accepted as ‘normal’ in Python, Java, C++ and other languages. It’s a perfect fit for infrastructure software, including blockchain systems”. Said, Claudio Sa De Castro, the company’s lead scientist.

Providing this opensource client library enables a growing number of developers an additional option to take advantage of the blockchain industry’s most powerful integration API, Catenis. Blockchain of Things continues to be excited about including Rust in our Catenis client libraries, and expanding our user base while facilitating easy connectivity to the bitcoin blockchain for app development.

To read more about this robust product, visit the documentation section via this link https://blockchainofthings.com/docs



Media & Marketing Associate at Blockchain of Things, Inc. | Rapid Blockchain Integration