#Blockchain: A Guide For Security Professionals produced by the ASIS Foundation

Ava Sophia
Blockchain of Things
2 min readSep 30, 2020


Blockchain: A Guide For Security Professionals produced by the ASIS Foundation. Where our CEO is quoted… “Another zealous advocate of a hybrid solution is Andre De Castro, CEO of Blockchain of Things. Using Catenis Enterprise as a Web services layer, the company provides application programming interfaces (APIs) — software that allows two applications to communicate with each other — and development tools for companies that want to build on or integrate with the Bitcoin platform. “I believe the answer is going to be a hybrid solution on the most robust, only proven blockchain in the world,” De Castro says.”

An excerpt from Executive Summary: “The study — which included 30 interviews, a literature review, a survey, and additional research — found that blockchain has a firm foothold in cryptocurrencies and is gaining use in financial applications. The technology has been tested in hundreds of other use cases from creating corporate currency to tracking refugees from the war in Syria. But despite enormous amounts of hype, promise, and positive results from the use cases, industry and government have rarely committed to blockchain with large investments or implementations. Reasons for this reluctance range from lack of a business case to make the transition to questions over how blockchain deals with third-party trust.

For security professionals, many other issues arise. For all the benefits that blockchain can provide — improved identity management, access control, private messaging, smart contracts, an so on — equal challenges present themselves. These include vulnerabilities to blockchain’s APIs, the threat of manipulation to the underlying ledger, and lack of a governance scheme, to name a few.

Still, blockchain is coming. It’s making inroads all around the security industry. Security practitioners can no longer ignore it and wait for it either to go away or become relevant. Blockchain may well be at the tipping point where it starts to feature in cyber and physical security applications, and security professionals will be expected to understand it, leverage it, and protect it.”

We encourage you to visit the site and Download the complimentary executive summary or receive the full report now available free to ASIS members.




Media & Marketing Associate at Blockchain of Things, Inc. | Rapid Blockchain Integration